LINKS  OF  INTEREST  TO                                                               FIREFIGHTERS
I have been asked to add links to individual fire department sites. Unfortunately, due to the fact that there are thousands of department sites out there, and it would take up a ton of pages, I won't be able to add the links here. These pages are not meant to be about individual departments, but about firefighters in general. (an exception would be if a department does something above and beyond the call of duty, and rightfully deserves the acknowledgement of their fellow departments---if you know of such a department please let the world know about it. I'd even start a new page to list such acknowledgements. ) The way to get your department link listed is to send me something to add to these pages--an apparatus pic, a fire safety tip, something about a fallen firefighter, anything--I will list the source with a web site address listed. I hope you will understand.Thanks